Family and Friends,
I can't believe that I've already been in Santiago for a month. For
those of you who know my sense of direction, or lack there of, I wish
I could say I've learned the area well. We had intercambios this week
and when I was with Hermana Clements we got a little lost. That's why
we have maps, right? Haha. Overall it was a good intercambio. One cool
thing that happened was a man walked by, saw our Book of Mormon, and
asked if it was free. When we said yes, he kinda laughed and I guess
wanted to try it out so took it right out of my hands and walked away
quickly. After realizing we were going to let him go, he turned back
around and actually listened to us for awhile.
We also taught a lesson to a new man, Victor. He is from Swaziland,
Africa and although we only had a few minutes, he loved the lesson of
the Restoration. I love when people realize how blessed we really are
to live in a time with the fullness of the gospel and its ordinances.
We also are working as missionaries and with the president of the
district here to give a short devotional about the Atonement,
sacrament, and Sabbath Day to as many members as we can. We are
starting with the leaders and did it once to the RS president, Hermana
Etlvina. We have great stories, scriptures, quotes, and an object
lesson that all together make a powerful lesson. A lot of hard work
was put into planning it by president and I think it's going to pay
off and really help this area.
We still only have few investigators here, but each week seem to meet
someone else new and see little miracles frequently. It's been fun
being creative in ways to reach out to people. For example, one member
offered to teach free karate classes so we went out to the city
handing out and putting up flyers for the classes. We pray many people
come and we can meet more people. Being here is stretching me and
helping me grow and learn even more. I know it's what I needed.
I love you all lots! Have a great week!
Hermana Bingham
Pretty park by our piso
Still not sure what this building is, but it's pretty
We went to the beach with the Bakes for pday today