

Monday, October 5, 2015

I'm an aunt!‏

Hey Family and Friends!
First, this week I became an aunt. Yup, as most of you know, Kelsey
had her baby! So congrats to Kelsey and Isaac! If you'd like to see a
picture of my adorable niece, Brooklyn, look below. It was hard to
choose my favorite. 
Second, the question that many of asked- who is my new companion and
how is she? My companion is Hermana Maza and she is amazing! Training
is going to be easy. She is from Ecuador, so yes, already speaks
Spanish. My second native companion, and many missionaries don't get
one. I'm very blessed. From day one she's been ready to work. And is a
great example of expressing love for others and communicating. She's
literally the companion I needed and know I'll continue learning lots
from her.
This week has sadly been a little more of 'prep week' for the
transfer, although I don't like that. Tuesday we had the meeting for
the new trainers and missionaries, Wednesday iPad training for Hermana
Maza, Friday we got her abono (for public transportation), and
Saturday and Sunday we were at the church a lot of the day for general
conference. Just seems like there wasn't a ton of actually proselyting
time. The toilet also broke on Saturday, it's been running constantly
so I finally decided to try and fix it. Sometimes I like to think I
can do everything. I took the back part of the toilet off and touched
one thing that exploded, I got soaked, and now we have just turned off
the water to the toilet in hopes to get someone here who can really
fix it. Haha. But don't worry, we have two toilets so will survive.
Anyway, the lessons we have had were good. Hermana Maza is a natural
teacher. She is a convert of one year and almost 3 months and has a
powerful testimony. I'm so excited to work with her! General
Conference was amazing. I prepared myself just as we invited others to
do with questions and received specific personal revelation to those
questions. I'm so grateful for the Spirit. One thing I really loved
was when Elder Renlund told a story of the young man Chad and how we
must view others through the eyes of parents - the eyes of their
Heavenly Father. I'm working on that. I also am so grateful for the
opportunity to sustain 3 new apostles, hear their testimonies, and
know that they have been called of God. 
I hope you have all had a great week as well! Love you lots! 
Hermana Bingham 
Brooklyn Green
Hermana Maza and I
First day with Hermana Maza! (Don't look at the name tag...they messed it up)

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