Family and Friends,
As I'm trying to think of what happened this week, the truth is I can
only think of how weird of a week it was. It started off returning to
our piso last Monday night to the smell of gas. Almost a full day
later of having to stay in the piso while different people came and
went to resolve it, we were alive and well and without gas leaks. It
was Dia de Reyes on Wednesday and the tradition is to eat this cake
called Roscón which is more like a game. There are two things inside -
one means you win and are King, other that you have to buy the cake
the next year. We've now done it three times this week with different
people. We also went to a lesson Saturday and as we walked into the
piso, Hermana Maza turned around running. She literally couldn't
breath. We think the family was cooking with a type of nut she's
allergic to, the smoke and smell was strong. She was fine in the end,
just a bit of shock for awhile, and we obviously had to turn around
and leave.
Between the 'near-death' experiences and eating a lot of Roscón, I
promise we got some missionary work in as well. Half of our lessons
this week were with children. I know I say this a lot, but I've come
to absolutely love teaching them. They're so sincere and we always
have so much fun too. Victor is prepared for his baptism this week. A
few others are progressing well also. Every week I love this area and
the people more and more. I'm really blessed to serve here with
Hermana Maza. We are so blessed with many miracles.
Hope you all have a great week!
Hermana Bingham
Hermana Maza made me Ecuadorian food, fried plátano, delicious!
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